欢迎来访:港澳台物流【业务咨询:020-39280356 62193856】 广州深圳珠三角—港澳台物流,专注60KG/1CBM及以上货物
    香港5月8日的特別交通消息 / Special Traffic News
    由於天雨路滑,香港運輸署呼籲駕駛人士及乘客須: i.提早計劃行程路線; ii.預留充裕時間出門; iii.小心駕駛及保持忍讓;及 iv.留意交通情況,特别在視線受阻的繁忙路口。 ******************** 運輸署現已推出《交通快訊》流動應用程式發布最新的交通消息。如遇重要事故,將同步透過《香港政府通知你》發出通知。
    Due to wet weather and slippery roads, Transport Department appeals motorists and the commuters to: i. plan the journey in advance; ii. allow more traveling time; iii. drive with extra care and patience; and iv. take heed of traffic situation particularly at busy junctions with obstructive views. ******************** Transport Department has launched the "eTraffic News" mobile application for disseminating the latest traffic news. For major incidents, messages will also be sent through "GovHK Notifications". 
    因塌樹,怡景道來回方向近雲景道的全線現已封閉。 受影響巴士路線須改道行駛。 駕駛人士請考慮改用其他道路。 ******************** 運輸署現已推出《交通快訊》流動應用程式發布最新的交通消息。如遇重要事故,將同步透過《香港政府通知你》發出通知。
    Due to fallen tree, all lanes of Yee King Road both bounds near Cloud View Road are closed to all traffic. Affected bus routes have been diverted. Motorists are advised to use alternative routes. ******************** Transport Department has launched the "eTraffic News" mobile application for disseminating the latest traffic news. For major incidents, messages will also be sent through "GovHK Notifications".
    海底隧道收費廣場南行右起第一及第二條收費通道(S8及S9)已重開,南行右起第二條收費通道(S9)已改為自動繳費通道。現場已設置適當交通標誌,指導駕駛人士。 ******************** 運輸署現已推出《交通快訊》流動應用程式發布最新的交通消息。如遇重要事故,將同步透過《香港政府通知你》發出通知。
    The first and second toll lane from the right(S8 and S9)of the southbound toll plaza of Cross Harbour Tunnel has been re-opened. The second toll lane from the right(S9)has been changed to an autotoll lane. Appropriate traffic signs are erected on site to guide motorists. ******************** Transport Department has launched the "eTraffic News" mobile application for disseminating the latest traffic news. For major incidents, messages will also be sent through "GovHK Notifications". 
    為配合廣深港高速鐵路(香港段)西九龍站的道路改善工程,柯士甸道西與連翔道交界的地下行車道系統第三階段由本星期日(五月六日)上午約八時起開通,佐敦道與柯士甸道西之間的一段連翔道地下行車道及環迴路將會啟用。 有關路段開通後,在港鐵九龍站或西九龍文化區附近的駕駛人士,可選擇改行柯士甸道西地下行車道及連翔道地下行車道往返香港西、葵涌或大嶼山。 屆時,連翔道南行將不准右轉往佐敦道西行,駕駛人士需改經位於連翔道的環迴路前往佐敦道西行。 此外,駕駛人士需注意,柯士甸道西地下行車道與連翔道地下行車道交界處將改爲交通燈號控制路口。 運輸署提醒駕駛人士,當駛經有關路段時,要留意現場設置的交通標誌,小心駕駛。 有關的交通安排詳情已上載運輸署網頁(www.td.gov.hk)。 ******************** 運輸署現已推出《交通快訊》流動應用程式發布最新的交通消息。 如遇重要事故,將同步透過《香港政府通知你》發出通知。
    To facilitate road improvement work near West Kowloon Station of the Hong Kong Section of the Guangzhou-Shenzhen-Hong Kong Express Rail Link, the stage 3 opening of the underpass at the junction of Austin Road West and Lin Cheung Road will be implemented starting from about 8am this Sunday (May 6). The underpass section and the loop roads of Lin Cheung Road between Jordan Road and Austin Road West will open for public use. After the opening of the new road sections, motorists who are near MTR Kowloon Station or the West Kowloon Cultural District can make use of the Austin Road West underpass and Lin Cheung Road underpass as an alternative route to and from Hong Kong (West), Kwai Chung or Lantau Island. No vehicle will be allowed to turn right from Lin Cheung Road southbound to Jordan Road westbound. Motorists should go via the Lin Cheung Road loop road to Jordan Road westbound. Motorists should also note that the junction between the Austin Road West underpass and the Lin Cheung Road underpass will be converted to a signal-controlled junction. They are advised to pay attention to the traffic signs to be erected on-site and drive with utmost care when driving through the road sections. Details of the traffic arrangements are now available on the TD's website (www.td.gov.hk). ******************** Transport Department has launched the "eTraffic News" mobile application for disseminating the latest traffic news. For major incidents, messages will also be sent through "GovHK Notifications".

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